Extrapolating Trump's Economic Policy
(one possible future)
The past, present, and future is all connected. Changes in one effect the other in both directions. I've always enjoyed looking at current news and trying to envision where current circumstances could lead and I read an article today that was perfect for doing that.
The article appeared in Infowars.com and was entitled:
What Will Trump Do About the Central-Bank Cartel?
There were several parts of it that were interesting but my particular focus was on a hypothetical outcome relevant to the future of cryptocurrency. Let me try to reconstruct the path here:
Firstly it points out (in the subheader):
Trump could end global banking tyranny.
We'd like that, wouldn't we? 'We' all know that that banking cartel is rotten to the core.
Then it correctly points out that:
We will probably admit that's a shaky statement right now but basically it's still true.
Then it points out something many of us, including me, have probably never spent much time considering:
Then it talks about a cute little new trick the central-bank mobsters have been doing to prop up their international servitude aparatus. It's called "liquidity swap agreements":
Cute, right?
Then it points out where all this is irresistibly headed:
But the article then points out that Trump doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who would want to see this happen:
But Trump is supposed to be the master of, "The Art of The Deal", so what could he do?
Enter the thoughts of a profound economic thinker:
And this is where we arrive at an excellent opportunity for Trump to promote 'sound money' in the form of a virtual currency. His challenge will be to make the deal a win-win for all concerned…. 'old school' and 'new school'.
Can he do it?
I don't know. It depends on a lot of things happening between now and then.
But I do there is any way the monetary policies of today's banking establishment can continue to hold society together. Nor do I see any solution other than a 'new system' of some sort.
It could be cryptocurrency and/or 'the Mark of The Beast"?
Either way….I think we're headed for a New Deal.
Art Williams
Freelance Copywriter
email here
David Http://markethive.com/david-ogden