Bitchain Improves Their Wallet

Blockchain Improve their wallet

When I logged into my Blockchain wallet a couple of day ago I was prompted with a question. Would I like to buy bitcoins and I noticed for the first time a tab to purchase bitcoins on the left hand menu. Curiosity raised, I took a look and Idiscovered I could buy @ 622.69 which was within the trading range on the Kraken exchange that I normally use.


You can purchase using a card which adds a 3% transaction charge or via bank transfer which takes 2-3 days with no charge, but you also need to have an identity check to set up the first time. The only problem seems to be that my own bank will charge me £22 for an international transfer.

The new option is a good idea but I already have a wallet with Circle where I can purchase bitcoins with a card for no charge and if I am going to face a transaction charge of £22, I would probably get a better deal by placing a buy limit order on Kraken to get a better exchange rate.

Evidently the link between Blockchain and Coinify is starting to be rolled out across Europe, see Press Release

MyCryptoWorld will also be offering an integrated wallet when they launch next year, so I will hope they come up with a lower cost version James Wilfong DAO Admin from MyCryptoWorld mentions it in his video.

David Ogden

David Http://